Long variant of color
All color metadata
Global mutable map
warning Change global counter and log to console
current processing file's directory
total number parsed colors in the file
Basically the gathering function runner which mutate global colorMap
directory for colors scanning
fullpath to the color scheme file for example colors.sass with all color variables
Task for processing files list
array of file names
path to the dir which contains the files
fullpath to the color scheme file for example colors.sass with all color variables
Search for colors in color scheme and prepare data output for view Usually there is at least basic color scheme in project, for instance colors.sass or variables.sass contains a set of colors which was originally designed for the project
Array of objects { color: , variable: }
Task for parsing and getting scheme data
location of scheme file
Search for colors in stylesheets, add them into color map
content of the given file
full path to the given file
global mutable color map
Array of colors
Checks whether path related to file, directory or undefined
Processes directory at given path, collects file names and run main script recursively
fullpath to the color scheme file for example colors.sass with all color variables
Task for file processing.
path to particular file for being parsed
Generated using TypeDoc
Mutate global map of colors